Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day

For Mother's Day, I sent out this letter to the primary moms in our ward.  It pretty much explains what we did for Mother's Day singing time:

Dear Primary Moms,

Every week in primary, we have a special mystery bag spotlight.  One child or teacher is hidden in a big red bag (basically a giant pillow case) while clues are read about him/her.  All of the children try to guess who is in the bag, and all of the children love it.  

So for Mother's Day this year, I thought it would be fun to put some of the wonderful mothers in our ward in the mystery bag (or you could hide in the hallway if you're not comfortable being in the bag) for singing time.  I would read clues about you to the primary kids, and after they'd figured out who you are, you could join the primary kids in singing your favorite primary song.  Obviously, I can't spotlight every mom, but if you'd be interested in being a spotlight mom, please fill out the following questionnaire and return it to me.  Please note that if you have a Jr. Primary child, you would need to be available for your spotlight from 2:50-3:10, and if you have a Sr. Primary child, you would need to be available for your spotlight from 3:40-4:00.

Thanks for your help!

Hillary Campos

Please circle one.
I would like to attend:                         Jr. Primary Singing Time (2:50-3:10)

                                                Sr. Primary Singing Time (3:40-4:00)

                                                Both Singing Times

Please fill out the following information:

Favorite Food:

Favorite Color:

Favorite Thing to Do:


Favorite Scripture Story:

Favorite Primary Song:

How many kids do you have?:

Something you always say to your kids:

Best Thing about Being a Mom:

We had about 6 moms come for each singing time, and all of the kids loved it.  It was so fun for them to see their moms in primary.  Definitely a winner!

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