Thursday, May 26, 2016


To review songs, you could use the steps for making cupcakes.

1.  Measure.  Slowly fill up a measure cup as you sing the song.  As the measuring cup gets more full, the kids sing louder.

2.  Mix.  When you mix the batter quickly, the kids sing quickly.  When you mix the batter slowly, the kids sing slowly.

3.  Bake.  Pass hot packs or oven gloves around the room and have the pianist stop every once and while.  Whoever is holding the hot pack must say the next word in the song.

4.  Frost.  Sing legato so the frosting on the cupcakes will be nice and smooth.

5.  Sprinkles.  Sing staccato as you throw sprinkles on the cupcakes.

At the end, pass out REAL cupcakes to all of your awesome singers!

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